5 Ways to Cope When Waiting for a Response

  • Amy Bebbington

So, you have carefully filled out your application and hit the send button for a modelling opportunity. You can’t help but check your emails every 5 seconds to see if you have had a response from the agency and the waiting game is making you feel apprehensive and anxious. Don’t worry, everyone feels this way due to passion and commitment to their career, desperately wanting to achieve. However, make sure that you do not fixate on one application as it could hinder your career by ignoring new opportunities that could potentially arise.

Follow our 5 steps to survive the waiting game.



Remember that agents are extremely busy and have a lot of applications to sift through and assess as well as a mountain of other duties. It may take some time to get around to replying to each candidate or even looking at the application due to an abundance of entries. Therefore, remain calm and patient during this process. Although it is tempting to check your email account constantly this will not change the outcome.

Keep Applying

Never just apply to one agency or opportunity as pinning your hopes onto one company will limit your success. It is an ongoing process that takes persistence and commitment to your modelling career. It can be frustrating and disheartening continually filling out forms. Yet, when carried out carefully and thoughtfully you are guaranteed to hear back from someone. Do not put all your eggs in one basket – as the saying goes.


Keep Busy

It is important to remain busy and carry on with your life whilst waiting for the call as it will take your mind off the application. Waiting at home miserable will not help or change the outcome. Continue to, socialise with friends, exercise or read your book to avoid becoming upset and down. It is important to also have a break from filling out applications as the process can be lengthy and overwhelming.

Accept New Opportunities

Don’t be afraid to accept new opportunities when they arise in the fear that your most wanted agency will get in touch and you will be unavailable. Investigate the role and company and if all is legit embrace the opportunity. If the agency does contact you simply explain when you are available and you can come to an agreement.


Follow Up

If the waiting time has been rather lengthy – like a month or more – it may be time to get in touch to find out the verdict. Simply send a friendly email to enquiry whether they gave received your application and have they made a decision. Do not send the email too early, give the company and person a chance to look and evaluate.

Good luck! The waiting game is a frustrating part of the process yet try to embrace with a calm and positive attitude. Do you have any top tips to share with us? Comment below.

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Posted by Amy Bebbington

I express my love of fashion through writing, blogging and styling. My creative personality ensures that I produce unique and original work. I am a keen knitter and enthusiatic dancer.