How Models Stay Fit and Healthy

  • Melissa Keen

A model’s job is to look good year-round. That means diet and exercise aren’t just for a healthy body and wellbeing; it’s also a vital aspect to their success. But how do models stay fit and healthy? All top models lead healthy lifestyles to maintain and improve their overall appearance.

Read on to discover what models do to get – and stay – in shape.

Leading a Healthy Lifestyle

It’s normal and natural for our bodies to change throughout our lives. Even during a single year our body’s can morph and change. Women in particular experience frequent fluctuations in their size and weight, mainly due to hormones and water retention. But for a model, this could mean disaster – especially if there is an important job coming up. 

Many models will go out of their way to ensure their bodies stay as trim and healthy as possible. Bloating is out of the question, so many avoid foods they know are a trigger. All top models also claim to drink plenty of water and it is well-known for its health benefits. 

They must adhere to a strict exercise routine and nutritional programme, most of which are planned for them by experts. Being a model is not about getting “bikini ready” for the summer, and then having down-time during the winter; models must look good year-round if they want to work consistently. 

That also means not over-exercising. Exercising can build muscles, something many models do not wish to do. So they stick to workouts that will help to burn calories and keep their muscular tone even. 

Some models are able to eat more than others. This depends on our active their lifestyle is – for example, the average number of steps they hit, and the amount they work out. Each model will take this into consideration when planning their calorie intake each day. 

They will also have to plan their macronutrients with their nutritionist. That means the amount of protein, carbs and fats they consume. We all have different body shapes and activity levels, so we all have unique requirements. But regardless of our body types, we all need a healthy amount of proteins and fats to give us energy and keep us fuelled. 

Complex carbs are often seen negatively, but this doesn’t have to be the case. You don’t have to avoid these sorts of foods entirely – that would be miserable! Brown bread and wholemeal pasta can be good for you in proportion – you just need to be careful about the amount and the frequency you consume it. 

You should also be aiming to get in around 10,000 steps each day. This can be difficult especially if you have an office job, but it’s something worth trying to add into your everyday schedule because it makes a huge impact on the number of calories burnt during the day. 


All models like to work out, but they don’t all like the same exercises. The most important thing about exercise is finding something you enjoy – that way, you’ll be far more likely to stick to it consistently. Many models claim to like jogging, resistance training and barre (a ballet-inspired exercise that tones muscles), but that doesn’t mean you have to stick to these three things. Try spin classes, weight training (you won’t build muscle unless you’re trying, trust us!), swimming, rock climbing, hiking – there are plenty of fun activities that will also help you to get fit. 

Some models work out up to 5/6 times a week, while others say 3 times is more than enough for them. Again, each model is different – you have to take into consideration your activity levels and free time, and judge yourself how much you need to be working out. 

We should be aiming to do both cardio (for cardiovascular health) and weight training for optimum health. Bigger muscles increase your metabolism, meaning you burn more calories at rest, so many models like to do resistance training. That doesn’t mean you will end up bulky – it’s actually very difficult to build muscle and it requires being on a calorie surplus. If you stick to your usual calories and lift weights, you will “build” muscles in a way that creates definition and tone – both great things for a model. 

You don’t need any fancy equipment or a gym membership to work out. Running is free and easy to do. A yoga mat is a great investment as it provides a comfortable place to do your stretches and other less high-impact movements. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water.

Yoga and pilates are popular exercises as they help to tone the body and keep limbs supple without building muscle or putting too much strain on the joint, unlike high-impact sports. It’s also easy to do in a hotel room when on the move. 

Don’t force yourself to do an exercise if you hate it – you won’t stick to it. Exercise is best when it is done consistently, so find something you enjoy and don’t be scared to mix it up. Try hiring a personal trainer for a short period if you are completely new to working out – they will show you some key exercises for your body type that you can implement into your training regime. 

Many models claim to enjoy barre to keep fit and healthy


Diet is very important for models – unfortunately, they don’t often have the luxury of eating whatever they want, whenever they want. A model’s physique is notoriously hard to maintain because the fat percentage is so small, and they are so lean. That means eating incredibly clean for the majority of the time. 

Many models claim they don’t find this difficult because they enjoy eating healthy. But we all desire a treat once in a while. Models like to try and find low-calorie options or they limit the amount – though of course even they indulge once in a while by eating fast food-style things like pizza and burgers, usually after important shows like the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. 

Snacking is common amongst models. Small amounts of food throughout the day helps to keep them satiated. Common snacks include cucumber and carrots with hummus, or protein bars.

Many models claim to prefer eating small, regular meals throughout the day as opposed to eating 3 larger meals. 

You can get protein from meats like chicken and steak, while fish like salmon is great for its health-boosting qualities. 

If a big work event is coming up (like the New York Fashion Week, for example), a model usually works with their PT (personal trainer) and dietician for several months during the lead-up to the event. Models want to be in their absolute best shape for these sorts of events, so they will work extra hard to eat clean and work out to tone their muscles. Some models even avoid water for up to 48 hours before an event to dehydrate their body’s and make their muscles more pronounced – but this is not very healthy and should only be done under the tutelage of a professional. 

Nearly all models work with a PT (personal trainer)

A Model’s Diet in Detail

No two models have the same diet. Many confer with a professional to make a catered diet plan suitable for their specific goals, physical activity, allergies, intolerances and preferences. 

A model’s diet may look something like the below:


– Fruit smoothie

– Avocado on sourdough toast

– Egg white omelette with seasoning

– Creme cheese on a high-protein bagel

– Porridge

– Greek yoghurt with fruit


– 1X source of protein (e.g. chicken) with vegetables

– Soup

– Salad


– Sushi

– Salad


– Nuts (almonds, brazil nuts)

– Fruit

– Smoothie

– Celery juice

– Yogurt

– Carrots and cucumber with low-fat hummus

– Water with lemon

– Fresh juice made from fruit & veg

– Protein shake

Some models claim to take a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar in the morning as it is said to help with digestion; however, there is no proof to these claims.

Smoothies are a great breakfast go-to; they’re delicious and packed with nutrients

What Models Avoid

We’ve already mentioned that many models like to try and avoid complex carbs where possible, instead substituting them for healthier carbs like brown rice and sweet potatoes. However, there are a few other restrictions to many model diets. One of these is alcohol. Alcohol can have a lot of calories, so models like to keep alcohol for special occasions. 

Sugar is another no-go. Many models like to swap out milk chocolate for dark chocolate as this tends to be stronger and less sweet, so they eat less in one sitting while still hitting their chocolate craving. 

Forming Healthy Habits Like a Model

The key to good health is consistency. Working out once in a blue moon or eating the occasional salad is, unfortunately, not enough to support and nourish the body. 

The of the best things you can do is create a manageable schedule that you can stick to. 

It’s also worth writing down some of your favourite recipes so you can remember to keep the ingredients stocked up. You could also make your favourite meals in batches and keep some in the freezer for days you don’t want to cook. This will help you to avoid less healthy foods and help keep you from resorting to convenience foods, which are typically unhealthy. 

Another idea is to wear a fitness tracker. These clever devices count your steps and are able to calculate how many calories you are burning. Some devices also allow you to track and manage your daily calorie intake – very handy if you are unaware of how many calories some foods have. Fitness trackers are great for total beginners, but be careful as they are easy to get attached to, which can be unhealthy. 

Can you think of anything else that helps models stay fit and healthy? Make sure to comment below!

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Posted by Melissa Keen

Melissa's experience in the beauty and fashion world as a writer and blogger spans over five years. Her other interests include reading, yoga and music.