What Is A Model’s Wish List?

  • Amy Bebbington

Model’s wish list may well be a phrase that you’re used to seeing around social media, or alternatively, it might be something that you’ve never come across before. When you’re modelling online and starting to get a bit of a following, it can be nice to know that you have fans who are willing to buy things for you to help further your career. In this respect, wish lists are usually held by models whose fame comes from social media, online channels, or glamour websites, as opposed to traditional catwalk models who reach superstar heights. A model may share her wish list to these followers, in the hope that an item is bought.

model's wish list

What’s On A Model’s Wish List?

Many models will say that the items available on her wish list are there to help her further her career. For example, she may add some clothing to the list. Someone might then purchase it for her, and she’ll wear it in a future shoot. It’s almost interactive in this respect.

Other models might simply want other items which help her feel good about herself daily! Some models don’t make that much money when they start out, but it can be an expensive business to keep up the aesthetic. These models say that a model’s wish list can help with these costs and allow them to continue posting to their followers.

Some models add random items to their list, and in these cases, they know that their fans will be happy to oblige.

models' wish list

Should You Have A Model’s Wish List?

There are pros and cons to a model’s wish list. Obviously, they mean that you receive gifts from your fans, which can be really helpful for your career. Many models argue that their fans want to send things to them anyway, so they’re simply giving the fans what they want, and actually getting gifts they need. The models are happy, as are the fans in these cases, and so it’s reciprocal. Of course, nobody is being forced to make a model’s wish list, nor is anyone being forced to purchase any of the items on it for that model, and so in that respect, it’s totally fair!

Other people argue that a model’s wish list symbolises greed. They say that it comes across as desperate. Other people even go as far as to say that such lists exploit people – adoring fans will do anything for some models, and is this taking advantage of that? Finally, some people say that it can be dangerous for the model, because it invites other people to feel that they now deserve her attention, which could put pressure on her.

Whether or not you make one is up to you, but you should think carefully before doing so about the image that you want to put across.

Do you have a model’s wish list? Do you think it’s fair or let us know in the comments!

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