Models’ Clothes

  • Amy Bebbington

Models’ clothes in photoshoots are desirable, often expensive, and they’re bang on trend. However, before you get super jealous… just remember, that is literally their job. A model is more often than not literally paid to make clothing look good. In many respects, they even create the trends, just by being seen wearing the clothes before anyone else!

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Models’ Clothes on Shoots

Depending on your level, depends on the kinds of clothing that you will be required to wear. Catalogue clothing, for example, will often be less expensive than the clothing that you’ll see in high end fashion shoots, but it can still be every bit as glamorous. No matter the level, remember that models will be made to look their very best to help the clothes to sell. Models’ clothes, therefore, have to scream “buy me”, because the consumers see them and think that they’d look great in them, too.

models' clothes

When it comes to models’ clothes and whether or not they get to take home they model, it really depends on the contract. Some of the bigger models will be endorsed by brands so they’ll basically be walking clothes horses wherever they go! Other models won’t be so lucky, but many will receive clothing as a thank you at the end of the shoot.

When you’re starting out as a model, the clothes can literally be a great negotiating point. You may well be working unpaid (Time For Print) for a small, independent label – but you might get some freebies in addition to the experience for your efforts.

Models’ Clothes in Real Life

Want the honest truth? Honestly, most models are just like the rest of us. Sure, an interest in fashion is typically present, but most models will have days where they’ll put together a basic outfit combination! Obviously, your basic jeans and Kendall Jenner’s basic jeans may well have a different price tag, however!

models' clothes

Of course, like in many careers, you do take the job home with you in many ways. You get to learn a lot about fashion and even develop a passion for different cuts, what works for you, and what doesn’t.

If you’re a model, what do you think of models’ clothes? Do you always look like life is a catwalk, or do you keep things a little more low-key?

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