Why are Models Always Skinny?

  • Amy Bebbington

Why are models always skinny? It might seem that way to a casual onlooker, but thankfully, it’s not always the case.

Why Are Models Always Skinny On The Catwalk

There’s no hiding from this one – on the catwalk, models are always skinny. Even in a world where we accept men and women of all shapes and sizes, the arguments for catwalk models to remain extra slim hinge on practicalities.

Designers argue that these women are simply fitting the sample sizes provided, and that therefore it’s a decision which is more about the clothing than the women themselves. This is true in many ways – if the girl doesn’t fit the clothes, they will find a new model, they won’t find new clothes. The fashion shows are about showcasing the latest lines, after all.


However, the issue is inherently part of a choice. If the designers made their sizes more representative, plus size models and quite frankly ordinary sized people could make their catwalk debut, looking equally as stunning in the designer clothing as their smaller counterparts. All bodies are beautiful!

Is It A Problem If Models Are Skinny?

At UK Models, we think everyone has the potential to model and believe that everyone should be confident in the way that they look. However, we know that there are certain standards – that we aren’t responsible for setting – and they are usually followed to the letter.

Although there are some amazing movements going ahead at the moment (such as the growing popularity of plus size models), there still seems to be the underlying question of when things will change across the board. Why are models always skinny when the average woman is not?

When models are often skinny, it can give women and girls unrealistic body expectations. Why are models always skinny when we know how serious an issue eating disorders are for people who don’t naturally have the body shape they’re so desperate to conform to.

On the other hand, modelling will always have some aspect of elitism involved; it’s inherent in the name and there will always be a desired aesthetic. If it’s not based on weight, it will be based on looks, height or something else. The idea is that they should seem unattainable. The best way for many brands to create the ‘desired’ look is to use models who people wish they could be like.

Why are models always skinny in your opinion? Do you think it’s just the way things are, or is there underlying bias? Let us know!

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