Male Catalogue Models Expectations

  • Amy Bebbington

Male catalogue models have a strong presence both online and in print. The likes of Very, Grattan and Lookagain all cater for a male audience. Catalogues are usually aimed at families providing affordable fashion for women, men and children, beautiful soft furnishings to decorate the home and garden, sports clothing and equipment to encourage fitness and the latest electrical technology; a hub that allows for every need of the family to be met. Male catalogue models are sourced for the male fashion and sports section to demonstrate how the clothing fits.


It is important that the target male customer can shop easily from the website or printed book. To do this effectively each garment needs to witnessed on the male silhouette to be correctly informed of how the item will look when worn. The product shots are primarily for functional reasons to market the piece to encourage and convert browsers to purchase an order. Therefore, the role of the model is extremely important in the success of the catalogue.

Male models who specialise in catalogues are usually chosen for their handsome, charming good looks, toned build and above average height. The specifications are slightly more relaxed than high fashion modelling yet have not embraced the approach of alternative models that populate the catwalk. A more stereotypical male is sought after with a chiselled jawline, groomed facial hair and styled locks. Catalogue companies prefer to hire a more accessible look that will suit a variety of looks and styles without looking awkward.


The shots used are typically captured in a studio in front of a white backdrop to avoid the high cost and unpredictability of a location shoot. Some product images do look as though they are taken outside for variety however, we suspect that the reality is the use of Photoshop. It is easy to place an outdoor scene on a computer to make the image appear more interesting. Some may actually be shot in the location suggested if the budget and schedule allows. A day of shooting will probably involve wearing a number of different items for the catalogue to make the most of your time.


The poses that male models are expected to deliver are quite simple and basic with hands in their pockets, a tilt of the body or a bend of the knee. To capture the design properly natural poses are required and therefore, it is important for catalogue models to practise and prepare prior to the shoot. Experienced models will have mastered the technique yet for new models it may be a little more difficult as appearing natural may be more trickier than first appears. It is important to look relaxed without your pose being interpreted as uninterested and unattractive. Practice in a mirror to gain body awareness and the shapes your physique makes whilst standing in a natural pose. Awkward positions and rippling are not desired and therefore, witnessing how your figure looks is crucial to your success. For the sports category, fitness models will be asked to pose using a piece of equipment or performing an exercise move.

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